Some photos from Destination Fashion District FFG Fashion Show!
Destination Fashion District FFG Fashion show video part.1
This is the first video from the FFG Fashion show I attended yesterday!
It was very interesting, nice original clothes from firms such as CK, Ted Baker, Lancel, Seven jeans and others, good organisation, tasty drinks, good and loud music and the finalists of the NEXT TOP MODEL were there! All the girls were very beautifull but although I was a huge fan of Seraina, yesterday I found extremely beautifull Monika and Maria.
My favourite part of the night though was the awesome Matisse gig that came after the show!
Hope u enjoy the videos!
We love Vassilis Emmanuel Zoulias!

He is extremely talented and we just love him, his extraordinary dresses and his amazing shoes!
Those are just few of his summer/spring collection dresses that I chose to show you.
More photos you can find in:
www.stylewatch.gr [search for Zoulias]
and also in his two fan pages in facebook
All photos taken by Vassilis Emmanuel Zoulias page in facebook. I do not own any of them.
My so superstylish bro!

In this photo he is wearing Levis dark blue jeans, adidas dark grey shoes, and a light grey polo shirt on top of another grey-white coton shirt with a neckband.
He is holding a black leather jacket and a black postmans's type bag.
Minimal and chic!
Just bad..

Before all comments I must underline that this outfit was worn from an executive of a Ministry in Greece in a formal occasion were everyone around her was wearing suits and coctail dreeses...
The lady is wearing white sport shoes, a pyzama-like white loose trousers with a grey pocket [the most unfortunate detail of the trousers], a black long loose woollen jacket and a grey scarf..
The colour combinations are not bad, if this outfit was worn to go jocking or even to take the dog for a walk, it would have probably been ok...but for an official event it is just inacceptable!
Nikos: Street style@Gazi!
Nikos has a remarkable casual style, he looks like he hasnt put much thinking into his outfit, and we still love the result!
He is wearing light loose blue jeans, light brown shoes, a dark green sweater, a khaki jacket and a scarf in green colours as well.
Very good combination of shoes+shirts/jacket, all in earth colours but not exactly the same, something taht would have make the whole outfit very predictable.
More photos to come soon!
Absolutely definately DONT n.11
This young girl is wearing old black flat boots, loosy jeans, on top of them a rotten lycra -as far as I could see- dolman long skirt with many levels of cloth, on top of this a long woolen white jersey and on top this black large jacket...
She also had many many earings and blue sades eye make up...
Probably she hadn't any more space in side her suitcase and she put the rest of her clothes to travel...
Definately DONT n.10
Horrid shoes, not even a clue of femintiy, bad choice of trousers in plein winter and bad choice of trousers height with those shoes...
Definately DONT n.9
I kinda like those trousers...
Those trousers, or I should best say maillot, as I found out in the dictionary that is the right word for the Greek ''kollan'' [plz corrections r welcomed], are different..
When I fist saw this girl to the airport, flying to Berlin, I thought ''gosh what a bad outfit'', but afterwars (since the plane was late as always..) I started liking the trousers since its original and colourfull in a nice geometric way with an original motif.
However, I would have prefered it with a black kind of long shirt and black high heels. With such a combination it would look like an outifit of ealry 80's.
Definately bad choice of bag, it looks like a bag of a 12 year old kid...
Such a bad combination of skirt&shoes...

Bad choice of inexistent heel for the boots, bad choice of colour from my point of view since she's not so tall anyways..
This combination could - in somebody else maybe- be originall or different in a good way, but to this woman looks just an unfortunate occurence...
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